A great number of individuals think by obtaining a "good job" they'll have a "good health benefits package." That is just not always the case. Sometimes we find our dream jobs - great pay, weekends and holidays off, many options to use our skills and advance - only to find out our dream jobs do not provide employer-sponsored health insurance. So, we start looking for individual insurance policies to purchase, but just do not have the money remaining after the bills are paid to pay the higher premiums.
It is a vicious cycle, but it can be stopped thanks to STATE's Family Health Plus. The Family Health Plus plan was designed for adults between the ages of 19 and 64 who can't find cost-effective health insurance in STATE. Possibly their employers will not give group health insurance plans, or perhaps they can't afford to purchase an individual health insurance plan by themselves. These are the STATE residents who are deemed to have too much money or assets to qualify for Medicaid; at the same time, they make too little money to be able to afford either out-of-pocket health care costs or individual health insurance plans.
The good thing about STATE's Family Health Plus plan is that you don't have to have kids in order to be eligible. Single adults along with married couples without children are eligible for the Family Health Plus plan.
Plus, it costs nothing to submit an application for and enroll in the Family Health Plus plan, and you will not be asked to pay deductibles. You will, however, need to pay co-payments at the time of medical treatment.
Coverage with the Family Health Plus plan also includes, but is not restricted to, doctor visits, in and out patient care, emergency room visits, vision care, diabetic services, behavioral health services, and also family planning.
Please enjoy exploring through this health insurance STATE web site for more information about STATE health insurance or use our insurance quote option where you will be given access to the top insurance companies offering health insurance in STATE.